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I call Bullshit

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Old 01-21-2008, 05:41 PM
  #51 (permalink)  
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That's cool man.

I thought of another interesting scenario too
Imagine you and your wife (just pretend you're married if you're not) have a kid that's done well in school and wants to go on to higher education. Maybe you can afford to send him to college, but he is also offered a way to go to school for free, for any reason. As a parent who knows the value of a dollar, I seriously doubt you are going to turn down a free ride for your kid.

THEN, say the guy that lives next to you thinks that's really unfair because the same thing isn't offered to his kid. Do you think he should blame you personally for it, for accepting it?

It's just interesting to see people react the way they do when they would do the exact same thing, given the opportunity.

I don't mean to beat a dead horse, just the more I think about it the more interesting/complicated it gets.

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Old 01-21-2008, 05:47 PM
  #52 (permalink)  
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It depends if the neighbor kid is black and if mine is white and
if they recieved that because of the color rather then merit.

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Old 01-21-2008, 06:18 PM
  #53 (permalink)  
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Either way - if you were black or white, let's just say the scholarship was only available to whatever you are. Your neighbor cant even apply for it. Your kid did good in school (most of the time they need to have pretty high grades). Would you not accept it? Do you think others would be justified in being angry at you, personally?

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Old 01-22-2008, 05:31 AM
  #54 (permalink)  
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Affirmative action is in it's self racist. To provide someone an extra helping hand because of their race precluding someone else from the same opportunities due to their race is racist. Therefore, the NAACP is also just as racist as those that they accuse of being racist.

Basicly, if you accuse someone else of being racist, you are racist also in a sence.

I have friends who are white who were denied admission to the college of their choice because of their race, but were not able to prove it. Colleges have a certain percentage of african americans which they must approve as well as a certain percentage of asian americans, and american indians which they must approve. The rest can be white. Why are the whites at the back of the line? Todays white man is punished for the mistakes of his ancestors, thats why. We are just as racist today as we were 100 years ago. We just show it differently.

Yeah, I'm a cracker....and trust me....I haven't had SHIT handed to me. I've fought for everything I have. And don't give me any bullshit about how I've had it easier than someone else who's black. We are all a product of our environment. Basicly, if you were born into a poor family, and raised by that same poor family, there is a high likelyhood you will be in the lower income scale wheather you are white OR black. Some break the cycle, most don't. And if you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth, then you will likely inheret your way into the big house, and will likely have your college paid for which puts you (most of the time) into a higher income bracket right out of college. Again, it doesn't matter if you're black or white. Now if it were easier to get rich, everyone would do it, and the money would be worthless. It gives people something to aspire to and makes it an elite group which people WANT to become part of....but I am getting off track here....

Simply put, when you deny someone something because of their participate in, and threfore, promote racism.

Originally Posted by rotarykidd
maybe i just like rainbows and puke, who says it has to be a gay thing?
Old 01-22-2008, 07:37 AM
  #55 (permalink)  
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In addition to that, I also believe that the Govt. looks at is statistically. They know who the lower income people are and they know who will eventually become dependants/financial burdens. You don't think part of the reason they go along with it is because it helps save them money in the long run?

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Old 01-22-2008, 09:28 AM
  #56 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Stangonline
Either way - if you were black or white, let's just say the scholarship was only available to whatever you are. Your neighbor cant even apply for it. Your kid did good in school (most of the time they need to have pretty high grades). Would you not accept it? Do you think others would be justified in being angry at you, personally?

If it is a scholarship set up and paid for by fellow minorities or even non minorities for them that is ok IF they allow us non minorities to set up the same thing strictly for other people of our race. The white people shouldn't have to carry the burden by sacrificing ourselves. It should have nothing to do with color,sex or nationality. (sex is the one that worries me least as long as its not race+sex)

Would I hold that one neighbor responsible and be mad at him for being black you ask, no I wouldn't as I think he is smart for taking all the hand outs he can to make his life better.
I would and am starting to get annoyed that minority people are treated like they deserve to be treated better then the majority of the people that have worked for years to make this country great. The same people who are not irish-scottish-polish-russian-swedish- americans but rather just AMERICANS.

I'm not sure why people think its ok to be discriminat (sp?) of one race but a very bad thing to do to another. See black comedy vs white for a very open display of that.

A black comic talks about a white person not being about to dance (or any of 100 things) and its funny even if not really true of all white people.

White comic says something about black people not being able to think or reason and we are racist bastards. Make fun of them for not being able to speak proper english and once again we are holding/bringing the black man down.

Hell remember all the news coverage that was buzzing when someone called a black presidental cantidate eloquent and it was a bad thing? If someone said that about me i'd be like thanks. I guess all black people are eloquent and pointing that out is a very bad thing as it must be an unspoken truth.

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Old 01-22-2008, 01:32 PM
  #57 (permalink)  
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What it boils down to is that preferential treatment goes beyond them thinking they deserve it. It's actually needed to help improve society as a whole. I wish it never started and that there never were slaves and that all the world lived in peace, but it did happen and unfortunately, we will not see the end of it in our lifetime.

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Old 01-22-2008, 06:36 PM
  #58 (permalink)  
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One thing that gets me is the black community thinks they were the only race of enslaved people to ever have existed, when that isn't true at all and pretty much all the other former slave races went on and became established without continued government help.

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Old 01-22-2008, 09:57 PM
  #59 (permalink)  
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I'm not claiming to be an expert on slavery or anything such as that. But i believe the whole problem started with the fact that the slaves were black........Yes there were slaves in Africa and they obviously sold slaves to the Americans, but the problem in this scenerio is when you try and free the slaves and bring equality, it's known exactly who the slaves were, thus continuing the belittling of those who were once enslaved in a vicious cycle. While people believed slavery should end, it still had the problem of people knowing exactly who the slaves were allowing them to put themselves above them.

Had the slaves been white then once freed no one would be able to tell the difference, this IMO could have resulted if the slaves brought over had been of Asian decent as well as Hispanic, it just so happens the slaves were black. I mean slavery is obviously nothing new, nor was it at the time even, but the fact that the slaves were different from those who were in charge is what caused the chain reaction in trying to make everything equal per-say.

Just my two cents........But feel free to go back to your incredibly racist debate
Old 01-23-2008, 03:49 AM
  #60 (permalink)  
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^Never thought of it that way. Makes you realize how hateful all this shit really is. We "trigger" on certain things that indicate someone is "different" than us. You cant really tell a Jewish person apart from anyone else, but some people hear their last names and that's enough to make them "different".

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