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GNs-r-slow 11-16-2009 06:19 AM

Lot misinformation out there.....I'm for drinking and driving by no means. It has become a huge revenue for counties, not that they are trying to reduce DUI's, counties survive of this revenue, pays alot of salaries

GNs-r-slow 11-16-2009 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by Tiffiny (Post 7240225)
I hear what your saying but none of us would get a break ....

Thats a lot of what I'm saying. Not too many years ago you get pulled over with a beer open and your not drunk, you would be told to pour it out and move along. NOBODY gets a brake any more, its pretty sad

Hurstmeister 11-16-2009 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by GNs-r-slow (Post 7240357)
Hills and Pasco dont give breathe test till your at the jail, they dont have capabilities to do this from thier cars

When I got mine they gave me a breath test at the scene. How ever I had to wait 45 mins for another unit who had the machine to come and give it to me. I was stopped by Md State police. I explained to the officer I had been drinking. I thought that if I passed the sobriety road side test that he would let me go. Turned out to be a rookie and he followed the rules to a T and that included a mandatory breath test. I got pissy with him when he told me I had to wait. I said look,.. I told you I had been drinking. I'm not drunk as you can see. I passed your sobriety tests. I live 2 miles down the road,.. you can follow me. He wouldnt budge. Now the breath test they gave me on the side of the road didnt count. The second breath test I took at the station was the one they submitted as evidence. I was released ROR to my ex-wife who was drunker then I was. She was in the car with me the whole time. It was her 21st birth day. I had a total of 8 draft beers over the course of 4 hours. Anyone who knows me,.. I'm a big boy. I can handle 8 drafts in 4 hours standing on my head.


Hurstmeister 11-16-2009 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by GNs-r-slow (Post 7240375)
Thats a lot of what I'm saying. Not too many years ago you get pulled over with a beer open and your not drunk, you would be told to pour it out and move along. NOBODY gets a brake any more, its pretty sad


When I first came down to Fla back in 88 I was living in Ocala. I was underage with a case in the back seat. I was on my 3rd beer when I got pulled over for a tail light out. He made me poor out all the beer on the side of the road. I was pissed,.. I cursed him so bad yet he never arrested me.

Back in the day thats how it used to be. Back in 1985 when I was back in Md the town sheriff of North Beach used to flag us to race down the middle of Main st. My brother is in a wheel chair and we were pushing him down the side of the road from the pier back to my house. I had a beer cooler full in his lap. State trooper stopped us and asked what was in the cooler. I thought he was going to give us a hard time. I said Coors Light. He goes "Cool,.. trade ya a warm one for a cold one?" Thats how it used to be.


GNs-r-slow 11-16-2009 06:55 AM

I was talking with a member of another board about some parts last night, hes on the east coast of FL. We talkrd for about 30 minutes, what he was doing with his car, and what I was doing with mine. He is building a street grudge car to street race..... He is a sheriff

Shamus O'Toole 11-16-2009 07:44 AM

Ok yes you don't HAVE to...but if you don't there are consequences as already stated. Long and short of it...if your worried about a DUI....don't drink and drive....end of story.

As far as professional cuortesy goes...I've already explained it. Who here is willing lose it all for anothers stupidity???

Hurstmeister 11-16-2009 09:17 AM

There is still professional courtesy among officers of the law. I got pulled over on 54 heading home with my wife in the truck. I was doing 72 in a 55 not too far from 54 and Suncoast. As the officer walked up to my door doing his I'm cautious with my hand on my side arm bit,.. I put both hands on top of the steering wheel per instructions by my wife. As he came up to the door he immediately recognized my wife. Asked for my license and registration. Came back 5 mins later with a verbal warning and have a nice day.

Had my wife not been with me I would have had a ticket for sure.

As for getting breaks under normal situations,.. I imaging they still happen,.. but not as frequently as they once did. Much would depend on the mood and temperment of the officer and your demeanor during the confrontation. Plus big boobs and a pretty smile probably wouldnt hurt.


500HPLX 11-16-2009 10:24 AM

When I first moved to FL, I was stationed at Mayport up in JAX. They had a open container law then. I mean you could drive with a open container. I remember pulling up next to a state trooper and drinking a beer. You just better not be drunk.

Man those were the good old days!

You could go to a drive thru Jax liquors and buy beer, they would open a single and give it to you. Hell they used to have somehting called "a fifth and the fixings." A fifth of boose, everyone in the car gets 2 cups of ice and whatever mixers you wanted.

And we wonder why the law changed?????

Naturally, it did not last long, people cant handle responsibility and have got to be told what to do you know.

We did get in alot of trouble, but very few of us actually got DUI's. The cops were pretty cool most of the time. It didn't hurt having base stickers and military id's either.

Hell, I would have gotten kicked out for doing that kind of shit now days.

Work hard, play hard used to be the saying! and we fucking like to play hard!

GNs-r-slow 11-16-2009 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Shamus O'Toole (Post 7240542)

As far as professional cuortesy goes...I've already explained it. Who here is willing lose it all for anothers stupidity???

Are you a LEO?

riverviewnative 11-16-2009 06:59 PM

Well hell Tommy I can drive home fine at 2.0. Florida is a fucked up state. Born and raised here and can't want to get out

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