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John 10-08-2002 07:25 PM

NHRA Sport Compact Listens to the racers and fans!
|\|H|24 5p0|27 c0mp4c7 h45 f1|\|4lly l1573|\|3d 70 u5 (4|\|d 1 \^/45 4 v3|2y l0ud p4|27 0f 7h3 c|20\^/d c4ll1|\|g f0|2 7h15)!!!


7h3y h4v3 3l1m1|\|473d 7h3 57|2337 71|23 cl455, \^/h1ch \^/45 d0m1|\|473d by |2\^/D 5up|24'5 4|\|d |2><7'5. 1|\| 17'5 |23pl4c3m3|\|7, 7h3y h4v3 4dd3d 57|2337 F\^/D 4|\|d 57|2337 |2\^/D. 7h15 cl455 4ll0\^/5 57|2337 4pp34|21|\|g v3h1cl35 70 c0mp373 1|\| 4 574|\|d4|2d1z3d cl455. 1|\| 07h3|2\^/0|2d5, 17 g1v35 u5 |\|0|\| p|20f35510|\|4l p30pl3 \^/17h b4d 455 57|2337 c4|25 (0|2 0|\|35 1|\| 7h3 m4k1|\|g, l1k3 my53lf) 4 cl455 7h3y c4|\| 4c7u4lly c0mp373 1|\|, \^/17h0u7 h4v1|\|g 70 f1gh7 4g41|\|57 b1g 5h0p5 4|\|d b1g 5p0|\|50|25 \^/17h 0u7|24g30u5 4|\|d u|\|57|23374bl3 c4|25.

7h15 15 7h3 m071v4710|\| 1 \^/45 \^/4171|\|g f0|2 70 f1|\|15h my c4|2, 4|\|d |\|0\^/ p|23p4|23 17 f0|2 7h3 upc0m1|\|g 53450|\|. 1|\|1714lly 1 h4d pl4|\||\|3d 70 c0mpl373 7h3 p|20j3c7, b347 0|\| 17, 4|\|d 53ll 17 f0|2 4 |\|3\^/ p|20j3c7, bu7 1 7h1|\|k 1 \^/1ll k33p 17 4|\|d pu|25u3 4 53450|\| 1|\| 7h3 |\|H|24.

POLLO 10-08-2002 07:27 PM

Finally ! A sanctioning body that cares about their fans !

MitsuBucci 10-08-2002 08:38 PM

Where do the AWDs go now?

I'm going to look.

Edit: Never mind. There are NO AWD classes anymore. I guess I can put mine in the trash while you finish yours John.

John 10-09-2002 12:06 AM

y0u h4v3 700 m4|\|y 4><l35 4|\|d d1ff3|23|\|714l5, 175 4|\| u|\|f41|2 4dv4|\|74g3. Y0u c4|\| 4l\^/4y5 |24c3 47 |\|0P1 3v3|\|75 7h0ugh :p

Chismoe 10-09-2002 04:34 AM

Guess they figured that if you can't beat the DSM's then just exclude them! :verysad: :wink:

Zate 10-09-2002 09:01 AM

no classes for me either ?... well hell :( there go my dreams of a trophy :(


John 10-09-2002 09:22 AM

l47357 \^/0|2d 15 7h47 y0u 4\^/D ph4|\|471c5 \^/1ll b3 dump3d 1|\| \^/17h 4|21 Y4ll0|\| 4|\|d 7174|\| 1|\| 7h3 |2\^/D cl455. G00d luck :D

AWDTSi 10-09-2002 09:28 AM

Originally posted by "Mr Self Destruct"

latest word is that you AWD phanatics will be dumped in with Ari Yallon and Titan in the RWD class. Good luck :D
:doublebird: :doublebird: :doublebird: :doublebird: :doublebird: :doublebird: :doublebird:

Dr Evil 10-09-2002 09:29 AM

Originally posted by "Mr Self Destruct"

latest word is that you AWD phanatics will be dumped in with Ari Yallon and Titan in the RWD class. Good luck :D
HAHAHA that sucks, but it would be cool to compete against them...not like you really could.

I am very excited about this, and will entering at some time :D

John 10-09-2002 09:39 AM

[qu073][1]0|21g1|\|4lly p0573d by "4\^/D751"[/1]

[qu073="M|2 53lf D357|2uc7"]l47357 \^/0|2d 15 7h47 y0u 4\^/D ph4|\|471c5 \^/1ll b3 dump3d 1|\| \^/17h 4|21 Y4ll0|\| 4|\|d 7174|\| 1|\| 7h3 |2\^/D cl455. G00d luck :D[/qu073]
:d0ubl3b1|2d: :d0ubl3b1|2d: :d0ubl3b1|2d: :d0ubl3b1|2d: :d0ubl3b1|2d: :d0ubl3b1|2d: :d0ubl3b1|2d:[/qu073]

50lu710|\|: d|20p |234|2 d|21v3 5h4f7, 4dd \^/3ld3d c3|\|73|2 d1ff, |2u|\| 1|\| F\^/D cl455 ;)

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