Tampa Bay British Car Club
Calendar: Local Events
11-08-2017 to 04-19-2018 04:00 PM to 04:00 PM
*The times shown may change, depending on DST settings
*This event was posted for time zone so it will appear to occur on a different day on your calendar.
December 9– Tampa Bay British Car Club’s Winter Picnic. Everyone is invited to the Brits by The Bay Holiday Picnic on December 3rd. Join us at Phillippe Park in Safety Harbor Fl, from 10:00 to 2:00 at Shelter #2. Starts at 10:00 AM and Eats at noon. If your name begins with A to L please bring a desert, M to Z bring a Side dish or appetizer. TBBCC will provide Burgers, hot Dogs, drinks and all the fixings. Also bring a NEW Unwrapped toy for “Toys For Tots”

December 28 – No Tampa Bay British Car Club meeting, Merry Christmas.

April 28 2018 - Tampa Bay British Car Club’s Spring Picnic. Everyone is invited to the Brits by The Bay Spring Picnic on April 28th. Join us at Phillippe Park in Safety Harbor Fl, from 10:00 to 2:00 at Shelter #2. Starts at 10:00 AM and Eats at noon. If your name begins with M to Z please bring a desert, A to L bring a Side dish or appetizer. TBBCC will provide Burgers, hot Dogs, drinks and all the fixings

The Tampa Bay British Car Club, all British Car Owners and anyone that likes British Cars is invited to join us at these events to see old friends, make a few new ones and have some fun.
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