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Krystle Burger 06-12-2005 10:02 AM

Just a little story in the paper today...

This wife resisted lure of life on wheels
By MICHELE MILLER, Times Staff Writer
Published June 12, 2005


The kid sitting on the back of the white and lime-green motorcycle isn't my daughter, but I shudder nonetheless, my heart skipping a beat as she whizzes by, weaving in and out of the three lanes of traffic on Little Road.

I'd like to grab her and shake some sense into her - tell her that shorts, a halter top and flip flops aren't proper riding attire; that leather is essential gear, not a fashion statement, when you're out on the road playing real life Mario Kart Double Dash!!

Perhaps she thinks she's invincible, that the helmet she's wearing will protect her. I'm betting she's never seen anyone with nasty pipe burns or a bad case of raw, weeping road rash, or worse.

So I say a silent prayer for someone else's kid and go home and give my two young daughters another lecture about the perils of climbing on the back of some dude's motorcycle.

"Never, ever," I tell them. "EVER."

Funny thing is, their mother married a biker.

That was way back when - before the term "Rolex Rider" was coined - before sporting tattoos became trendy and riding a Harley became a fun pastime for the poseurs. Back then, the sight of leather-clad bikers with their black-and-chrome rides lined up neatly in a row on the sidewalk was cause for crossing the street.

My husband and his buddies - a mostly harmless bunch - had some fun with the power that brought, sometimes taking impromptu rides through Boston's Callahan Tunnel for the sole purpose of seeing the terrorized looks of the car drivers as their loud pipes reverberated off the walls.

I've heard all the "glory days" stories - well, most of them - countless times, I might add.

But I was never on those lane splitting rides. In fact I can count on three fingers the number of times I rode on the back of my husband's bike - a 1948 Harley-Davidson Panhead, a sleek-looking black and chrome hardtail with a P-Pad (seat) not really meant for carrying a passenger.

I didn't like it. The seat was uncomfortable; the pavement seemed ominously close, and I remember thinking that if I really wanted to feel the wind in my face, I'd ride in a convertible.

Besides that was the aversion I've had to motorcycles ever since I was 16. That was the year my 25-year-old Harley-riding cousin was killed on his way home from work after being forced off the road and into the woods by a reckless driver.

My uncle - a big, strong, strapping man - wept like a baby when he told my father how he didn't recognize his own child's face when he went to identify him at the morgue, even though my cousin had been wearing a helmet.

Something like that sticks with you, makes you think twice about climbing on.

Even so, I understand the lure, especially after taking weekend road trips on the Kancamagus Scenic Byway, which runs through the heart of New Hampshire's picturesque White Mountains. Who wouldn't want an unobstructed view of that?

The last time my husband and I went for a spin together, the Panhead broke down. An omen of sorts, I thought. After a couple of hours spent on the side of the road waiting for a friend to show up with his pickup truck because the creed is you never let anyone tow your bike, I decided, "Thank you very much, from now on I'll take the car."

Before long my husband was taking the car, too - a 1968 mint-green Cadillac convertible - with me riding shotgun.

Our marriage nearly 25 years ago, followed by the arrival of our children and the more recent death of another biker friend at the hands of another reckless driver, has more or less sealed the Panhead's fate.

Unfortunately, the roads, especially here in Florida, can be all too unforgiving.

Now and then my husband ventures out to the garage to tinker with the Panhead. But mostly the bike sits idle, a monument to the glory days and a grown man's youth.

B16aTeggy 06-12-2005 10:13 AM

only if we rode HDs

but u know those guys dont even do the speed limit.. and u wonder why they get runed off the rode..

the speed limit on i-75 is 70mph NOT 45mph..

b18c1tampa 06-12-2005 01:50 PM

45mph on i-75 lol thats funny

Tits McGee 06-12-2005 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Supralover
that leather is essential gear, not a fashion statement

I think leather bike gear is very nice looking. Especially women's stuff. Fits snug, makes you look hot. :lol:

RiceTuner 06-12-2005 06:37 PM

know why they only ride 45 mph? They think they're too tough to have tears creeping out of there sun glass making them look like they're balling their eyes out. Try it out on your bike. Crusing speed isn't as bad as 65 with the watery eyes.

RiceTuner 06-12-2005 06:48 PM

BTW - if you're going to ask a girl if she wants to go for a ride. You're responsible for their life once they're on. Give them your helmet if you only have one and don't ask for a ride if you don't have two. Imagine how you would feel if you did that to show off to her and she falls off. Half the time the girls have their eyes close at high speed anyways. They're more concern about holding on so they don't fall off and praying they make it to a safe stop and back on the ground so take it easy till she comfortable on the back of a bike ro just take her for a cruising ride.

moldyhands 06-13-2005 05:34 AM

Originally Posted by RiceTuner
BTW - if you're going to ask a girl if she wants to go for a ride. You're responsible for their life once they're on. Give them your helmet if you only have one and don't ask for a ride if you don't have two. Imagine how you would feel if you did that to show off to her and she falls off. Half the time the girls have their eyes close at high speed anyways. They're more concern about holding on so they don't fall off and praying they make it to a safe stop and back on the ground so take it easy till she comfortable on the back of a bike ro just take her for a cruising ride.

that's why i just don't give them my name and i cover up my license plate. if they start to become annoying, a quick wheelie and i'm clear.

seriously though, i totally agree with what you said.

Krystle Burger 06-13-2005 05:40 AM

Originally Posted by moldyhands
that's why i just don't give them my name and i cover up my license plate. if they start to become annoying, a quick wheelie and i'm clear.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. You're hillarious my friend.

moldyhands 06-13-2005 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by Supralover
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. You're hillarious my friend.

right before i broke up with my ex, i offered her a ride. she asked about not having a helmet and got confused when i told her she should keep her arms behind her back and not hang onto me.

i was the beneficiary on her life insurance, she turned down the ride.

B16aTeggy 06-13-2005 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by moldyhands
she turned down the ride.


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