Tampa Racing

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Skeet 12-11-2004 07:29 PM

What age?
Your oppinion please.

Clint 12-11-2004 07:44 PM

I got my first bike when I was 13 or 14

limpgtx 12-11-2004 11:04 PM

my first street bike at 17


UrbanRR 12-12-2004 06:11 AM


Cecil 12-12-2004 06:13 AM

5 years old.


CXHatchback 12-12-2004 06:18 AM

Street bikes I think it kinda depends. I know must high schoolers are way to immature to be on 2 wheels. I've always wanted one but didn't get my first bike till I was 21. I'm glad I waited because I prolly wasn't mature enough and would've done something stupid. Well shit I still might...

Cecil 12-12-2004 07:42 AM

Be Careful.

If you are not competent and experienced with a motorcycle...
And you are not competent and experienced with driving on public roads...

IMHO... Getting a Street Bike is a bad idea...

Taking the time to learn how to drive, and better yet, how others drive within the relative confines(sp) of a car is considerably safer than making the mistakes we all make with the exposure of a motorcycle.

If you are fortunate to learn on the dirt... even better.
Then, when you crash (notice the "when" vice "if" reference), you will have the knowledge and experience of previous lessens-learned to benefit from (we can start a discussion on this concept if needed... lessons learned).

Public streets are a zoo... especially around here.
Regardless of your age and/or experience... be careful.

We have all witnessed enough accidents lately... many fatal... many of very young riders.

Be Careful.

KrazyInKamo 12-12-2004 09:29 AM

for the majority of the population I would say never bc people are retarded driving cars let alone withstanding the urge to twist the throttle on a sport bike. I voted for 20-23 simply bc most kids younger then this don't have any self discipline to know when and where to dick around. They aren't competant to watch for the other guy thats gunna run your ass over. However I'm not saying everyone is like this.

I bought my first sport bike when I was 16... not too many months later I ended up doin a stoppie into the back of a grand marquis... don't ask... I was tired and wasn't paying enough attention.. wasn't all my fault but I shoulda been paying more attention. I haven't wrecked since.. nock on wood.. but I paid alot more attention to my surroundings after that.
Not to mention tampa has the worst drivers I've ever seen in my fuggin life.. no respect for bikes, cars or even fuel tanker trucks that could easily run their lil pos car over...
In theory for the mature person- 16-19 ...for semi mature 20-23.. and for the non mature never...

GPcrew 12-12-2004 09:54 AM

i got the one i have now in march. i was 16 ,i wrecked exactly one week after i got it, i fliped at 40 cause of breaking too hard trying not to hit the car infront of me. clearly enexperiance is the cause when u panac and grab a hand full of break.but i would say as soon as the person(s) wanting to get a bike are farmilar with the level of seriousness that comes from accedents, then there ready for the challenge of learning to ride. the only thing that sucks about bikes are the accedents, they leave you with broken bones , road rash , surgurys, hell mabee even death in some cases. YOU WILL CRASH IF YOU DRIVE A MOTORCYCLE, if your ready for that and you exept it then your ready , if you think your invincable then your not ready........... thats just my 2cent

LS1ETR 12-12-2004 10:45 PM

Got my 1st bike at 17...

But it all depends on the rider. I have friends that are 18 on bikes that are more mature then others that are 25.

so yeh...

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